What are dental veneers used for?

Our teeth go through a lot of trouble every day, so it’s no surprise that they can start to look worn and discolored. This is where dental veneers come in to hide their flaws and improve their appearances.
Veneers are a good choice for people who want to change their smile in a short time using a less invasive technique. In many situations, the teeth to be restored require little or no preparation, making them a much less invasive treatment than other restoration options.

Dental veneers (semi-permanent or durable) have been increasingly popular in recent years with people who want to display a beautiful smile.

This is the right solution if you want to remedy your teeth that have yellowed over time or because of coffee or tobacco, especially if the teeth have a very pronounced staining. The veneers also make it possible to correct slight malpositions of the teeth (small overlaps, inter-dental spaces, etc.).

What is that ?

Dental veneers are very thin shells, made of ceramic or resin that stick to the visible part of the teeth to improve their appearance: color, shape… They allow a smile to be sublimated in a short time and without pain.


A diagnosis made beforehand is essential in order to verify the absence of contraindications (very damaged teeth, badly positioned teeth, weak enamel…). After your dentist at Clinique Dentaire Targa makes sure your teeth are healthy by taking x-rays, they will remove a layer of the enamel using local anesthetic to keep you comfortable. Once the teeth are ready to collect the dental veneers, he will take impressions to make them custom.


In our clinic, the result can be predicted before the final placement of the veneers thanks to our latest generation equipment. This allows the patient to have an idea of ​​the end result and to define any desired modifications.

Veneers change the color of teeth and change their shapes once installed. The latter embellish the smile and give an immediate breathtaking aesthetic result. The majority of clinical studies show that 95% of veneers are in place after twelve years.

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Our dental clinic aims to provide dental services to our existing and new patients in the most professional and personalized way. thanks to optimal skills and techniques.

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