Orthodontics and invisible braces

Invisible orthodontics is a revolutionary orthodontic appliance that corrects smiles with discretion and comfort. Forget about metal brackets and plastic braces! Fasteners and fixed wires are now obsolete methods. Invisible orthodontics straightens teeth with removable aligners, custom-made for the perfect fit. They are transparent and can be removed for eating, brushing, or more.

What is that ?
Invisible orthodontics is at the cutting edge of cosmetic dentistry technology. It is a virtually invisible method of straightening your teeth. Transparent and personalized, aligners will gradually lead your teeth to change position over a given period. As the treatment progresses, your teeth will straighten into the appropriate position, as directed by your dentist at Clinique Dentaire Targa.

Every 2-3 weeks you will receive a new set of aligners that build on the work of previous ones. The time it takes for the aligners to get your teeth into position will depend on how long you need treatment for, but on average it takes between 12 and 14 months.


  • Discreet treatment:your teeth straighten out without anyone knowing. The aligners also removable so you can eat and drink whatever you want.
  • Easy Cleaning:Traditional metal aligners can make it difficult to floss and brush your teeth difficult, while invisible aligners are removable, you can brush and floss normally.
  • Reduced risks: the forces exerted by invisible aligners are more gradual than those applied by traditional orthotics.
  • Safe Procedure: When traditional metal braces are removed from the teeth, it can sometimes result in the removal of part of the tooth enamel unlike invisible aligners which do not involve the use of adhesive to stick them to the teeth. teeth.


An examination is done to determine if invisible orthodontic treatment is right for you. Then a set of tooth impressions are taken and scanned to design the aligners. After you have custom designed them, you will wear them for 2 weeks before seeing your doctor again and your teeth will gradually move into the desired position.


Your smile will be straightened with discretion and comfort. The result is very aesthetic and will improve your self-confidence thanks to a beautiful straight smile!

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